Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communications (Core and Concentration in Public Relations & Advertising)


Assessment Report, 2013-2014

CLASS, Mass Communications (PR & Advertising)

Assessment Identifiers

College / School
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences

Journalism & Mass Communications

Program / Major / Certificate
Mass Communications / Public Relations & Advertising

Assessment Coordinator(s)
Dr. Juliana Maria Trammel

Has there been a change to the Assessment Coordinator(s) since the last assessment plan?

Person(s) responsible for writing and/or submitting this report:
Dr. Juliana Maria Trammel

Program Mission Statement

The department's mission is to develop productive students in a global society, prepared for careers in mass communications, and to increase cultural diversity in professional media. The department fosters engaged learning and professional growth through high quality instruction, scholarship, research, service, and prepares students to perform at high levels of excellence in mass media professions and post graduate studies in the 21st century.

Has this mission statement been revised since the last plan? No



1. Principles and Laws of Freedom: Student will demonstrate an understanding that public relations practitioners provide a voice in the marketplace of ideas, facts and viewpoints to aid informed public debate.

2. History and Role of Professionals: Student will demonstrate the ability to strategically select media channels based on their roles and functions. Students will also demonstrate knowledge of the key historical milestones of the public relations field.

3. Domestic Diversity: Student will demonstrate an understanding of the implications of demographics and psychographics to the creation and presentation of images and information, as well as the selection of appropriate target audiences.  

4. Global Diversity: Student will demonstrate an understanding of the impact of cultural differences to the presentation of messages and information, as well as the selection of appropriate target audiences globally. Students will demonstrate global cultural awareness when developing messages and strategies. 

5. Theories, Images and Info: Students will demonstrate proficiency in the use of models, techniques and theoretical concepts for the creation and presentation of images and/or information.

6. Ethical Principles: Students will apply the principles of ethics and moral reasoning to everyday PR and advertising practices, consistent with the PRSA Code of Ethics.

7. Critical, Creative and Independent Thinking: Students will demonstrate proficiency in using critical, creative and independent thinking for the creation of programs, integrated marketing plans and deliverables in everyday public relations practices. Students will demonstrate proficiency in using information to develop strategic plans in public relations and advertising.

8. Research and Evaluation of Information: Students will demonstrate proficiency in using research to create communications campaigns.

9. Written Communication: Students will demonstrate proficiency in the writing and style of public relations and advertising deliverables.

10. Critical Evaluation of Own and Others� Work: Student will demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate their own work and that of others for accuracy and fairness, clarity, appropriate style and grammatical correctness in everyday PR practices.

11. Basic Numerical & Statistical Concepts: Student will demonstrate the ability to use basic numerical and statistical concepts to formulate measurable campaign objectives as well as summarize and synthetize large data to aid informed PR & advertising decisions and evaluations. Students will demonstrate proficiency in using descriptive statistics or any other quantifiable indicator to develop measurable objectives in campaigns.

12. Use of Tools and Technology: Students will show proficiency in various computer technology programs and platforms appropriate to Public Relations and Advertising.

Since its first ACEJMC accreditation, the Department of Journalism & Mass Communications maintained 12 general core competencies and PSLOs. In September of 2016, the three concentrations created concentration-specific PSLOs based on the general 12. The list above represents the PSLOs for the public relations and advertising concentration.  

LINK TO: Assessment Report, 2013-2014 – Supporting Documents



Assessment Results (PSLOs)


SSU Strategic Plan Goal





Assessment Artifacts and Instruments

Target Levels

Results and Analysis of Results

Actions in Response to Results

Academic Engagement and Achievement

1. Principles and Laws of Freedom: Student will demonstrate an understanding that public relations practitioners provide voice in the marketplace of ideas, facts and viewpoints to aid informed public debate.

Fall 2013

Angela Wilson

COMM 4705
Media Law & Ethics

Case-Study Paper - JMC_C1_PSLO1_ First Amendment

70% of students will score at Level 3
10% of students will score at Level 4


73% Level 3 (Milestone), 10% Level 4 (Capstone), 17% Level 2 (Milestone)


The expected targets were met. The results showed that the milestone (level 3) exceeded the desired threshold of 70%. The threshold for capstone (level 4) was just what desired. 17% of the students assessed demonstrated skills at level 2 Milestones.


Material to Support Data: LiveText data output

Description of any changes for improvements which were made during the course of the 2013-2014 academic year:
The program added more group discussions and group-based case studies.
Description of the expected use of results that will be addressed in the 2014-2015 academic year:
The program will continue to add more group discussions and group-based work to enforce proper law theory and debate.

Academic Engagement and Achievement

2. History and Role of Professionals: Student will demonstrate the ability to strategically select media channels based on their roles and functions. Students will also demonstrate knowledge of the key historical milestones of the public relations field.

Spring 2014

Phelps Hawkins

COMM 2105
Mass Media & Society

Paper The Race Beat - JMC_C2 _PSLO2_Understanding History

70% of students will score at Level 2
10% of students will score at Level 3


31% Level 2 (Milestone), 62% Level 3 (Milestone), 2% Level 4 (Capstone), 5% Level 1 (Benchmark)


Overall, 93% of the students achieved at least level 2 milestone. Although only 31% achieved level 2, the planned threshold, the vast majority, 62% of students, performed at the capstone level. 20% of students were not expected to meet these thresholds; however, only 7% demonstrated attainment at the benchmark level. Areas to Improve: Mass Media Events Chronology: 72% of students demonstrated level 2 milestone in the area of mass media events chronology. The desired threshold was 80%.


Material to Support Data: LiveText data output.

Description of any changes for improvements which were made during the course of the 2013-2014 academic year:
Classroom discussion and news quizzes were refocused to timely and current events and topics. The program added more news to curriculum.
Description of the expected use of results that will be addressed in the 2014-2015 academic year:
The program will continue to add more timely news and topics to classroom discussion and news quizzes.

Academic Engagement and Achievement

3. Domestic Diversity: Student will demonstrate an understanding of the implications of demographics and psychographics to the creation and presentation of images and information, as well as the selection of appropriate target audiences. 

Spring 2014

Phelps Hawkins

COMM 2105
Mass Media & Society

Paper The Race Beat - JMC_C3_PSLO3_ Domestic Diversity

80% of students will score at Level 2
10% of students will score at Level 3


54% Level 2 (Milestone), 29% Level 3 (Milestone), 4% Level 4 (Capstone)


Overall, 87% of students attained the minimum Level 2 threshold. Only 54% demonstrated attainment at the milestone level (level 2). Although 29% achieved level 3 (milestone) and 4% level 4 (capstone), 14% of students attained below the threshold mark. The assessment plan projected only 10% to attain at the benchmark level. Areas to Improve: Knowledge of cultural worldview frameworks – only 76% and Empathy skills – Only 79%.


Material to Support Data: LiveText data output.

Description of any changes for improvements which were made during the course of the 2013-2014 academic year:
Classroom discussion and news quizzes were refocused to timely and current events and topics. The program added more news to curriculum.
Description of the expected use of results that will be addressed in the 2014-2015 academic year:
The program will continue to add more timely news and topics to classroom discussion and news quizzes.

Academic Engagement and Achievement

4. Global Diversity: Student will demonstrate an understanding of the impact of cultural differences to the presentation of messages and information, as well as the selection of appropriate target audiences globally. Students will demonstrate global cultural awareness when developing messages and strategies. 

Spring 2014

Phelps Hawkins

COMM 2105
Mass Media & Society

Midterm Exam - JMC_C4_PSLO4_Global Diversity

80% of students will score at Level 2
10% of students will score at Level 3


53% Level 2 (Milestone), 11% Level 3 (Milestone), 36% Level 1 (Benchmark)


Overall, only 64% of students attained the expected levels of 2 and 3. Only 10% was projected to demonstrate attainment at level 1; however, 36% of students assessed achieved at the level 1 benchmark level. Areas to improve: Global Self Awareness: Only 76% of students attainted at level 2 or higher) (desired was 80%), Perspective Taking: Only 64% attainted at level 2 (desired was 80%), Cultural Diversity: Only 67% attainted at least level 2 milestone (desired was 80%), Personal and Social Responsibility: Only 52% attained at least at level 2 (milestone) level (Desired was 80%), Understanding Global Systems: Only 55% attained at level 2 and higher. Desired was 80%, Applying knowledge to Contemporary Global contexts: Only 73% attained at milestone (level 2) and higher (Desired was 80%).

Description of any changes for improvements which were made during the course of the 2013-2014 academic year:
Classroom discussion and news quizzes were refocused to timely and current events and topics. The program added more news to curriculum.
Description of the expected use of results that will be addressed in the 2014-2015 academic year:
The program will continue to add more timely news and topics to classroom discussion and news quizzes.

Academic Engagement and Achievement

5. Theories, Images & Information: Students will demonstrate proficiency in the use of models, techniques and theoretical concepts for the creation and presentation of images and/or information.

Spring 2014

Jessica Sparks

COMM 3110
Multimedia Publishing

Charts/Graphs - JMC_C5_PSLO5_Concepts and Theories

TARGET 1 - 40% of students will score at Level 2
40% of students will score at Level 3


52% Level 2 (Milestone), 21% Level 3 (Milestone), 8% Level 4 (Capstone), 19% Level 1 (Benchmark)


Overall, 81% of students attained at least at level 2, milestone. However, only 29% of students achieved level 3 and above. The projected number was 40%. The assessment plan projected 20% at the benchmark level, and only 19% demonstrated attainment at this level. Areas to Improve: The desired threshold for the following areas was 40% for level 3. They were all below this threshold and can be improved: Knowledge of theories (25%), presentation for an audience (24%, 3 and 4), presentation of information (36%) and techniques (32%). Students attained, but at the milestone, level 2.

Description of the expected use of results that will be addressed in the 2014-2015 academic year: Course(s) will include more opportunities to test and practice knowledge of theories and principles.

Fall 2013

Angela Wilson

COMM 3120
Communication Theory

Theory Analysis Paper - JMC_C5_PSLO5_Concepts and Theories

TARGET 2 - 70% of students will score at Level 3
10% of students will score at Level 4


20% Level 3 (Milestone), 5% Level 4 (Capstone), 70% Level 2 (Milestone), 5% Level 1 (Benchmark)


Students attained below the desired threshold of with the majority of students, 70% at level 2 (milestone), and only 20% at level 3 (milestone), and 5% at level 4 (capstone). Areas to Improve: Areas of improvement are knowledge of theories, presentation for an audience, presentation of information and technique.


Academic Engagement and Achievement

6. Ethical Principles: Students will apply the principles of ethics and moral reasoning to everyday PR and advertising practices, consistent with the PRSA Code of Ethics.

Fall 2013

Angela Wilson

COMM 4705
Law & Ethics

Case-Study Paper - JMC_C6_PSLO6_AAC&U VALUE_ Ethics

70% of students will score at Level 3
10% of students will score at Level 4


73% Level 3 (Milestone), 10% Level 4 (Capstone), 17% Level 2 (Milestone)


Overall, 83% of students meet the minimum threshold desired. Over 70% achieved level 3, milestone and as planned, 10% of students attained at the capstone level.

Description of any changes for improvements which were made during the course of the 2013-2014 academic year:
The program added more group discussions and group-based case studies.
Description of the expected use of results that will be addressed in the 2014-2015 academic year:
The program will continue to add more group discussions and group-based work to enforce proper ethical theory and debate.

Academic Engagement and Achievement

7. Critical, Creative and Independent Thinking: Students will demonstrate proficiency in using critical, creative and independent thinking for the creation of programs, integrated marketing plans and deliverables in everyday public relations practices. Students will demonstrate proficiency in using information to develop strategic plans in public relations and advertising

Spring 2014


COMM 4106
Communications Practicum

Senior Project Proposal - JMC_C7_PSLO7_ Critical Creative and Independent Thinking

70% of students will score at Level 3
10% of students will score at Level 4


43% Level 3 (Milestone), 57% Level 4 (Capstone)


Overall, 100% of students were able to meet the minimum milestone (level 3) threshold when producing campaigns in communications practicum. At that level, students were able to come up with ideas for their senior project and elaborate goals for the campaigns.



Description of any changes for improvements which were made during the course of the 2013-2014 academic year: The program continued to emphasize the importance of using research to develop critical, creative and independent thinking, issue that had emerged in the previous assessment cycle. Also it continues to emphasize to the department that is important to take COMM 4406 before COMM 4106, not at the same time as many students do.
Description of the expected use of results that will be addressed in the 2014-2015 academic year:
The program will continue to give research outline and detailed description of what is expected from both secondary and primary research. 

Academic Engagement and Achievement

8. Research and Evaluation of information: Students will demonstrate proficiency in using research to create communications campaigns.

Spring 2014

Juliana Trammel

COMM 4406
Strategic Campaign Production

Research Report - JMC_C8_PSLO8_AAC&U VALUE_ Information Literacy

70% of students will score at Level 3
10% of students will score at Level 4


0% Level 2 (Milestone), 0% Level 4 (Capstone), 100% Level 2 (Milestone)


Overall, all students demonstrated attainment below the milestone, level 3 threshold. 6% Level 3 (Milestone), 77% Level 4 (Capstone), 17% Level 2 (Milestone) Overall, 83% of the students achieved the minimum desired milestone threshold. Areas to Improvement: Determine the extent of information, access the needed information, evaluation information and its sources critically, use information effectively and access and use information ethically and legally.

Description of projected use of results from the 2012-2013 academic year that is being addressed in the 2013 – 2014 academic year: Students needed more exposure to research. We used the information to discuss ways to expose students to research.
Description of any changes for improvements which were made during the course of the 2013-2014 academic year:
Since the students are no longer taking COMM 4810 (Communications Research), we formed groups making sure that at least one student in the group took COMM research to facilitate the understanding of the research process. We are working to add research as required, not optional.
Description of the expected use of results that will be addressed in the 2014-2015 academic year:
Possibly the program will add research back to the curriculum.

Academic Engagement and Achievement

9. Writing: Students will demonstrate proficiency in the writing and style of at least one public relations deliverable.

Spring 2014

Juliana Trammel

COMM 4406
Strategic Campaign Production

Research Report/Writing - JMC_C9_PSLO9_QEP Written Communication

TARGET 1 - 70% of students will score at Level 2
10% of students will score at Level 3


100% Level 2 (Milestone), 0% Level 3 (Benchmark)


Overall, while all students attainted the level 2 threshold, none of the students were at the capstone/excellent level.

Description of any changes for improvements which were made during the course of the 2013-2014 academic year: The program increased student exposure to research methodology with lectures, detailed handouts and online material, increased lectures, and shared more examples on news release writing.
Description of the expected use of results that will be addressed in the 2014-2015 academic year: The program will increase student exposure to research methodology with lectures, detailed handouts and online material. We evaluated and concluded that students still needed more direction on how to prepare press releases. We should also note that some of those classes were taught by outside professors who did not follow the curricular plan. So this gap of attainment was expected.

COMM 4106
Communications Practicum

Senior Portfolio (News Release) - JMC_C9_PSLO9_QEP Written Communication

TARGET 2 - 70% Level 2 (Satisfactory)
10% Level 3 (Excellent)


50% Level 2 (Satisfactory), 28% Level 3 (Excellent), 21% Level 1 (unsatisfactory)


Overall, 78% exceeded the satisfactory threshold. Areas to Improve: Exhibition of AP style (77%) knowledge and writing mechanics (78%). Those received the lowest scores. Another area to improve can be decreasing the percentage of students who scored below the threshold.

Angela Wilson

COMM 3401
Intro to PR & Advertising

News Release - JMC_C9_PSLO9_QEP Written Communication

TARGET 3 - 80% of students will score at Level 2 (Satisfactory)
20% Level 3 (Excellent)


44% Level 2 (Satisfactory), 11% Level 3 (Excellent), 44% Level 1


Areas to improve: Exhibition of AP style knowledge: Only 55% of students were satisfactory in this area. Desired was 80%. Writing Mechanics: Only 55% were satisfactory at this level. Desired was 80%.

Academic Engagement and Achievement

11. Basic Numerical & Statistical Concepts: Student will demonstrate the ability to use basic numerical and statistical concepts to formulate measurable campaign objectives as well as summarize and synthetize large data to aid informed PR & advertising decisions and evaluations. Students will demonstrate proficiency in using descriptive statistics or any other quantifiable indicator to develop measurable objectives in campaigns.

Spring 2014

Juliana Trammel

COMM 4106
Communications Practicum

Senior Project Proposal - JMC_C11_PSLO11_AAC&U VALUE_ Quantitative Literacy

TARGET 1 - 70% of students will score at Level 3
10% of students will score at Level 4


Level 3: 46%, Level 4: 46%, Level 2: 3%, Level 1: 5%


Overall, 92% of students achieved either level 3 or 4 of using numerical data to develop goals and objectives.  Areas to Improve: Although all the expected outcomes were met, calculation, 42%, can be higher.

Description of projected use of results from the 2012-2013 academic year that is being addressed in the 2013 – 2014 academic year: The data shows that there was some level of progression from COMM 4406 to COMM 4106. The repetition and strong emphasis on research have been effective in helping students understand the application of numbers to formulate goals and objectives. 
Description of any changes for improvements which were made during the course of the 2013-2014 academic year: Since the students are no longer taking COMM 4810 (Communications Research), we formed groups making sure that at least one student in the group took COMM research to facilitate the understanding of the research process. We are working to add research as required, not optional. The program will add more exercises on how to read and write basic data.
Description of the expected use of results that will be addressed in the 2014-2015 academic year: Possibly adding research back to the curriculum. Research is not the only thing we teach in COMM 4106, and it takes a lot of work to bring students to the level, when there are other competencies we have to teach and measure. The program will add more statistical analysis opportunities.



COMM 4406
Strategic Campaign Production

Campaign Case Study / Research - JMC_C11_PSLO11_AAC&U VALUE_ Quantitative Literacy

TARGET 2 - 70% of students will score at Level 3
10% of students will score at  Level 4


0% Level 3, 0% Level 4, 100% Level 2


Overall, students assessed did not meet the minimum milestone level 3 threshold. All students attained level 2, milestone level. 46% Level 3, 46% Level 4; Overall, 92% of students were able to use research findings to establish measurable campaign objectives at level 3 and 4. 7% of the students did not meet the minimum level 3-milestone threshold. Areas to Improve: Interpretation of data, Representation of data, Application of data, Assumption of data, Communication of data.


Jessica Sparks

COMM 3110
Multimedia Publishing

Charts/Graphs - JMC_C11_PSLO11_AAC&U VALUE_ Quantitative Literacy

TARGET 3 - 40% of students will score at Level 2 (Milestone)
50% of students will score at Level 3 (Milestone)


21% Level 2 (Milestone), 36% Level 3 (Milestone), 43% Level 1 (Benchmark)


Overall, students attained lower than the expected threshold. 57% of the students were at levels 2 and 3, with 43% at level 1. Areas to Improve: Interpretation: Only 32% attainted at the Milestone levels. Desired was 40%; Representation: Only 49% attained at Milestones levels. Desired was 40%.

Academic Engagement and Achievement

12. Use of Tools and Technology: Students will show proficiency in various computer technology programs and platforms appropriate to Public Relations and Advertising.

Spring 2014

Jessica Sparks

COMM 3110
Multimedia Publishing

Charts/Graphs - JMC_C12_PSLO12_Tools & Technology

40% of students will score at Level 2 (Milestone)
40% of students will score at Level 3 Milestone)


42% Level 2 (Milestone), 37% Level 3 (Milestone), 17% Level 4 (Capstone), 4% Level 1 (Benchmark)


42% of students achieved level 2-milestone threshold. While, only 37% of students were at level 3 milestone, 59% of students achieved the minimum threshold including 17% at the capstone level. Areas to Improve: Use of technology in the discipline.

Description of the expected use of results that will be addressed in the 2014-2015 academic year:
Students will be given opportunities to use the technology and tools for their disciplines in more courses and for more projects. In this course, more projects will be added to the curriculum to practice use of tools and technology.


Assessment Results (POs)


SSU Strategic Plan Goal

PO Goal

Enabling Strategies



Results and Analysis of Results

Actions in Response to Results

Academic Achievement and Engagement

Increase the enrollment of JMC majors.

a. The program will have JMC faculty, staff and students who will attend the Open campus recruitment days scheduled by the University.

b. The program has also expanded access to state of the art production facilities to be established in Whiting Hall.

Blackboard Analytic data

The department wants to increase enrollment of JMC majors by 10%


The program did reach the target. There was a 30% increase in JMC majors for the Fall of 2013 from the Fall of 2012.


Description of the expected use of results that will be addressed in the 2014-2015 academic year: The faculty, staff and administration of the department will continue to participate in various recruitment efforts including Open Campus day. The JMC staff will routinely conduct tours of the facilities for potential students and their parents.

 Academic Achievement and Engagement

Increase participation in the annual Southern Regional Press Institute (SRPI)

a. The program will survey participation and workshop satisfaction among attendees.

b. The program will make contact with Savannah area schools and talk to administrators.

The department will compile data from the responses from the SRPI surveys of the participants

The target is to maintain a total attendance for SRPI of at least 250



There were 275 total participants at the 63rd SRPI in February of 2014.

Target exceeded by 10%


Description of the expected use of results that will be addressed in the 2014-2015 academic year: The SRPI will continue to survey the participants at each conference to aid in planning the conference for the next year and increases in attendance.

 Academic Achievement and Engagement

Increase the number of graduates

Add instructors and additional course offering and more opportunity for faculty advising.

Blackboard Analytics data

Increase graduates by 5%


36 graduates

Target exceeded by 19%


Description of the expected use of results that will be addressed in the 2014-2015 academic year: The program will continue the strategy of adding extra faculty to teach additional sections of existing courses and introduce new course offerings.